Partners' Institution:
Date of the event:
23 July 2020
Geographical Relevance:
Type of Dissemination event:
Online Article
Target group:
Professors of our institution not directly involved in the project
Administrators of our institution not directly involved in the project
University Administrators of other HEIs
Professors of other HEIs
Association/Network of Universities
Association/Network of Schools
Teachers of Primary/Seconday Schools
Administrators of Primary/Seconday Schools
Adult learners
National Agencies (EM, LLP, TEMPUS etc)
Policy makers
Other EU projects/networks
General public
Large consumers
Energy providers
Number of people reached by event:
Professors of our institution not directly involved in the project: 50-200
Administrators of our institution not directly involved in the project: 50-200
University Administrators of other HEIs: 50-200
Professors of other HEIs : 50-200
Teachers of Primary/Seconday Schools: 50-200
Administrators of Primary/Seconday Schools: 50-200
Students: 50-200
Adult learners: 50-200
National Agencies (EM, LLP, TEMPUS etc): 50-200
Policy makers: 50-200
Association/Network of Universities: 50-200
Association/Network of Schools: 50-200
Other EU projects/networks: 50-200
General public: 50-200
Large consumers: 50-200
Energy providers: 50-200
Description of Dissemination Event:
Elisabetta Delle Donne posted on Pixel Facebook a news related to the GrEnFin project. The post included the link to the project portal for a direct access to the project intellectual outputs
Outcomes and Results:
The visitors of Pixel Facebook are potential target groups of project