Partners' Institution:
Tauron Energia
Date of the event:
10 December 2021 - 10 December 2021
Geographical Relevance:
Type of Dissemination event:
Presentation in international seminar/conference
Target group:
Professors of other HEIs
National Agencies (EM, LLP, TEMPUS etc)
Number of people reached by event:
Professors of other HEIs : 10-50
Students: 0-10
National Agencies (EM, LLP, TEMPUS etc): 0-10
Description of Dissemination Event:
The international science conference with the participation of representatives of universities from different countries regarding human rights in the global, economic, demographic and environmental aspects. The GrEnFin project shown as an example of good international cooperation influencing the way of educating future employees.
Outcomes and Results:
Topics covered during the TAURON presentation: 1. What the Energy Transformation entails; 2. Demographics on a national scale + TAURON + other Energy Company (information from the annual report for 2020); 3. Knowledge management in the enterprise 4. Sharing the knowledge within the organization, e.g. rule 70/20/10; 5.Good practices on the market: an example of international cooperation: the GrEnFin project