This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

GrEnFIn Consortium

All partners
Research institution
Technical partner
- All countries
- Austria
- Brasil
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Italy
- Poland
- Portugal
- Spain
- United Kingom

GrEnFIn Consortium

italy Italy

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33
40126 Bologna Italy
Tel: +39 0512099422
Web Site:

Silvia Romagnoli
Tel: +39 0512099422

Partner Description
UNIBO is a prominent institution of higher education in Europe and the second largest university in Italy. Based in five campus (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini), with a branch in Buenos Aires, the University of Bologna offers more than 200 degree programmes among its 32 Departments and 5 Schools, attended by almost 90.000 students.

germany Germany

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Geschwister Scholl Platz 1
80539 Muenchen
Tel: +49 8921803423
Web Site:

Partner Description
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) is recognized as one of Europe's premier academic and research institutions with more than 4.000 academic members. It has a long tradition as a top-level European research university, clearly demonstrated in its international character and its areas of academic cooperation from research to teaching and student exchange. LMU is the academic home of almost 7,000 international students from 125 countries, the largest number at any German university.

united kingdom United Kingom

Birkbeck - University of London
Malet Street
WC1E 7HX London
Tel: +44 2076316487
Web Site:

Partner Description
Birkbeck - University of London has a long-standing history dating back to the 19th century. Research at Birkbeck in 11 subject areas is rated as ‘internationally excellent’ and ‘world leading’ while over 90 percent of Birkbeck academics are research-active.

austria Austria

Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna
Tel: +43 1313365109
Fax: +43 131336905109
Web Site:

Partner Description
The Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) is a public university committed to excellence in research and research-led teaching. With about 23,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU today is the EU’s largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences.

poland Poland

University of Economics in Katowice
Ulica 1 Maja 50
40287 Katowice Poland
Tel: +48 322577235
Web Site:

Partner Description
University of Economics in Katowice was founded in 1936. It is the only public higher education institution teaching economics in the Upper Silesia and one of the most prestigious universities in Poland. Each year about 15.000 students study here, attending the lectures and seminars conducted by 480 academic teachers.

france France

Université Paris Dauphine
Place Du Marechal De Lattre De Tass Igny
75775 Paris France
Web Site:

Partner Description
Université Paris-Dauphine, a public management university created in 1968, has a unique position in the French academic landscape: a university and a Grande Ecole rolled into one. It is a focused university, offering bachelors, masters, PhD and executive and continuing education, combining quantitative and qualitative training in Organisation and Decision-making Sciences.

poland Poland

Tauron Polska Energia SA
Ks Piotra Sciegiennego 3
40114 Katowice Poland
Tel: +48 327742704
Web Site:

Partner Description
Tauron Polska Energia SA is the mother company in the TAURON Group – one of the largest business entities in Poland, with over 18 billion equity and approximately 25 thousand employees.

brasil Brasil

IMPA– Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Estrada Dona Castorina 110
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Tel: +55 2125295133
Web Site:

Partner Description
The Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) is reputed as one of the most well-established research institutes in the world. It played a leading role in the developments of dynamical systems through the works of Mane, Palis and Peixoto. It has well developed collaborations with leading mathematicians from abroad such as S. Smale and J-C Yoccoz. Such leading position was confirmed with the award of one the Fields Medal to IMPA's extraordinary researcher Artur Avila.

italy Italy

Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4
40127 Bologna Italy
Tel: + 39 051287111
Web Site:

Partner Description
Born in 2002 out of the aggregation of 11 municipal companies operating in Emilia-Romagna, first corporation of its kind nationwide, over time Hera S.p.A. has embarked on a journey of consistent and balanced growth, incorporating other companies active in the same areas.

italy Italy

Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 Firenze
Tel: +39 055 489700
Fax: +39 055 4628873
Web Site:

Partner Description
Pixel, is an international education and training institution with over 20 years of experience in international cooperation and project management. Pixel has a relevant expertise and a significant experience in the following areas: Direct submission and management of European projects (in the past 21 years are Pixel successfully coordinated and managed over 110 European projects). Organization of international education and training initiatives (an average of 300 participants, from all over the world, attend Pixel international courses every year). Organization of international conferences in the field of Higher Education (three of them are organized on a yearly basis and have reached their 10th edition). Pixel has developed international partnerships with over 500 organizations worldwide.

italy Italy

EGO Energy srl
Via Felice Romani 9
16122 Genova Italy
Tel: +39 0108050111
Web Site:

Partner Description
EGO Group was established in 2011, originally as Olimpia holding company, as a modern and diversified energy service provider, capable of seizing the commercial opportunities offered by the distributed energy and energy efficiency markets.

portugal Portugal

JF Digital Energy LDA
Rua Dr. Calado, n.º 26, 1º,
3080-153, Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Tel: +351 215 806 066
Web Site:

Partner Description
JF Digital Energy Lda, with brand names of DELab, belong to a solid Group of specialized Companies in the energy sector, whose Management Team has been responsible in recent years for the direct investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

spain Spain

Carreta de Madrid Km 388 Edificio R Modulo 31 Complejo Es
30100 Espinardo Spain
Tel: +34 868952028
Web Site:

Partner Description
MIWenergía is an electricity retailer company located in Murcia, Spain. MIWenergía operates in the whole Spanish market and also provides high added value services in the field of renewable energy technologies, electric vehicle, implementation of smart meters and the readiness of ICT. MIWenergía has also developed energy management software such as MIW+ and uGRID. The company is very active in energy efficiency R&D projects through different Horizon 2020 programmes.

greece Greece

Speed Development Consultants
Odos Averof 30
104 33 Athina Greece
Tel: +302108214407
Web Site:

Partner Description
SPEED Development Consultants SA ( is an independent consultant company that is active in Greece and abroad. The company was established in 1989 by a team of experienced and highly qualified professionals, specializing in the fields of strategic planning, technical – economic studies, implementation of development projects and programmes, environmental and energy management, and project management.

In line with the key elements of the Innovation Union and the EU Higher Education Modernisation Agenda, the GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide the Energy Sector's stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field with an inclusive global logic. Its main expected results are the development of an innovative Joint Master Degree in the Green Energy and Finance targeting young students, but also a Professional Module to train companies' staff and experts already active in the labor market.

2019 © GrEnFIn Project