After the 1st Summer School in Bologna (June 2020), when the first test of methodologies and innovative multidisciplinary features was done, the consortium proposed a slightly different structure with an “applied part” and a theoretical one to achieve an interdisciplinary perspective for assessing and understanding greening energy markets and finance.
For the 2021 edition we started from a case study developed and delivered by business partner and then through a theoretical development (based on lectures from university partners), students, working in groups, solved the case study with the business partner’s support and progress check.
There were two case studies offered (the cohort was split in two parts):
- REC: How they contribute to the local sustainable energy system – proposed and supervised by JF Digital Energy, Portugal, and
- Innovations in RES: Adaptation to the climate change – proposed and supervised by Tauron Polska Energia
Detailed Content Description
From Monday to Thursday students worked in sub-groups of 4 to 5 participants each on one of case studies. The groups were coached by an expert/supervisor coming from the company partners who presented the case studies (JF Digital Energy, and Tauron Polska Energia). The findings of group work were reported at in a form of a ppt presentation. On Friday the outcomes were presented by the group and evaluated. Here below their works: