This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The aim of the GrEnFIn project is a creation of a Professional Module that could fill the skills gaps of experts currently working in the energy sector. The idea of the module especially focuses on widening knowledge of financial green products that is pivotal to sustain a reconversion of the economy to the green energies. The first tasting programme was divided into 3 sections:
Section 1: Understanding The Green (R)Evolution – covers video lessons prepared by Hera professionals, composed into four Learning Units (LU) and uploaded into GrEnFIn webpage. The access is available for free after the registration: (click here to register)
Section 2: Developing Skills And Tools To Master The Green (R)Evolution - consisted of three video Learning Units (LU) that provided more theoretical knowledge. This part was prepared by lecturers from higher education institutions and is available for those who pass an entry test based on topics of Section 1 (at least 6/10 correct answers).
Section 3 – Summer Training and Group work (Classroom) - 3 days-activities during which the participants had a chance to face a project work and solve a problem based on the case study prepared, delivered and monitored by Hera about Biomethane Plant And Green Hydrogen.
Wind, Solar, Real and Virtual Batteries and Optimization of the Grid Load Helyette Geman - Birkbeck, University of London
Download the presentation in pdf
During the 3 days programme - Summer Training in Katowice (Section 3) the participants had a chance to face a project work and solve a problem based on the case study prepared, delivered and monitored by Hera about “Biomethane Plant and Green Hydrogen”. Here below their works:
Summer training was a great experience! It gave me an opportunity to broaden my knowledge on sustainability and to learn about green hydrogen while working with a dynamic and multi-skill team
Athanasios Petsopoulos
It was a good opportunity to test the professional platform in operation. Having attended all of the 3 sections, I can say that the subject mix and the presentations were of a high level. It was a good test for the future operation of the training scheme for professionals. Also the mixture of professionals outside the project consortium was quite interesting because they came from various sectors of stakeholders.
Daniela Bottega
“An excellent opportunity to test the professional module involving professionals of energy sector with different skills and experiences. Very topical the issue of the case study on biomethane and green hydrogen, all presentations were well done!”