This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Associated Partners


"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași


Higher Education




Bulevardul Profesor Dimitrie Mangeron 67





Mihai Gavrilaș



The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) is among the oldest and well-known institutions from the country, having an important tradition in engineering, scientific and cultural education, with a distinguishable presence on the international level. The university trains engineers with high qualifications, able to respond quickly and efficiently to the requirements of innovation, research and economic development. Moreover, the university caries on programs designed to continuously upgrade the engineers` professional skills imposed by the tendencies appeared at a global level.
Higher education represents an essential component, without which the entire educational system would lack consistency and would not be able to meet the political, economic and social changes. It plays an essential role in making new departures for both the individuals involved in a forming undertaking process and those outside it. It offers models of consistent and solid development. In a world of constant change, the higher education institutions are expected to establish standards and guiding marks in society and to support the training of experts and shape characters meant to watch over them. The university, as a higher education institution, has to anticipate and react to the changes that take place on different social levels. The university`s main task is to find an equilibrium between the alignment to new paradigms and the conservation of its primary mission. Therefore, nowadays, the main role of our university is to create a coherent, but flexible system meant to generate knowledge and guide towards its functional adjustment to the social structures.
TUIASI is highly receptive to the embracement of the European system values, both in education and research, being fully aware of the importance of its both national and international responsibilities. Auspiciously, the institution plans to develop the curriculum, to join the mobility schemes and the integrated programs of study, education and research. TUIASI has managed to strengthen its standards and achieve globally certified outstanding progress. Specifically, all of the TUIASI development indicators support that assessment. These include diversification of specialization, the number of students and faculty members, research field decision-making autonomy, international cooperation opportunities and quality of education in most specialties.
TUIASI has resources of intelligence and creativity, as well as the necessary competence for accomplishing the complex mission to generate, preserve, disseminate and apply the accumulated scientific knowledge. It is concerned with establishing a system for quality assurance and academic excellence in teaching, scientific research and education, system based on the criteria and the methodologies compatible with those from the European countries.
TUIASI`s operative strategy is designed to achieve optimal development regarding its foremost activity fields: education, scientific research, as well as institution’s involvement in social, economic and cultural activities.


In line with the complexity of the market needs, our organization can provide a thorough understanding of the energy markets, renewable energy sources, and sustainable energy management. Also, we can shape experts in smart grids operation at different levels and considering all segments, from power generation to distribution and supply, from day-ahead to intra-day balancing markets, to minimize the greenhouse gases emission.
Our organisation will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project through the participation, along with other project partners, in innovative Joint Master Degree and Professional Modules programs for Green Energy and Finance, targeting young students, but also companies’ staff and experts already active in the labour market.
The courses will be prepared using new teaching methodologies by cloud tools that will allow limiting the environmental footprint, based on the development of collaborative training tools as a discussion of case studies. The experts will be formed by an innovative, institutionalized, and integrated joint study path at the European level in the energy field with a special focus on green energy and energy efficiency, with the development of new learning and teaching methods based on real-problems, providing in this way the transversal and interconnected skills. The study platform, designed based on the energy crowdsourcing concept, is aiming to the development of three different skills, i.e. quantitative skills (involving math, statistics, and programming), technical and economic knowledge, and competence in green renewable energy and energy savings to foster investments in renewable energy generation and trading, for energy poverty mitigation.

In line with the key elements of the Innovation Union and the EU Higher Education Modernisation Agenda, the GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide the Energy Sector's stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field with an inclusive global logic. Its main expected results are the development of an innovative Joint Master Degree in the Green Energy and Finance targeting young students, but also a Professional Module to train companies' staff and experts already active in the labor market.

2019 © GrEnFIn Project