This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project (612408-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA2-KA) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The Summer School, being a part of GrEnFIn, is targeted to master students who are interested in green energy and sustainable finance problems.

The Summer School will be held between the 7th and the 11th of June 2021 in Katowice, Poland *.

Selection procedure:

The best candidates for the programme are those who are interested in pursuing a career in green finance and/or electricity with solid background in quantitative methods, knowledge of English and strong academic background. The selection of the students will be based on the assessment of their previous academic track record (50% in the selection criteria), their motivation (25%) and their knowledge of English (25%). All applicants are evaluated equally solely according to the selection criteria. In case there would be applicants with similar qualification, preference will be given to those bringing additional diversity to the cohort.

In case there would be applicants with similar qualification, preference will be given to those bringing additional diversity to the cohort.
  • A curriculum vitae with (max length is 1 page) with GPA (Grade Point Average)
  • A motivation letter (max length is 1 page) explaining briefly their personal motivation for taking part in this programme (why it is relevant to them)
  • A self-assessment of language skills (it could be done with the support of Europass Language Passport (ELP)

Application procedure:

Application procedure:

February 28: Application open on the website.
Only applications submitted electronically by an e-mail that meet all formal requirements will be taken in consideration.

March 26: Deadline – last day to apply.
Any application sent after that day will not be taken in consideration.

April 16: The Selection Committee will deliberate the list of admitted candidates and contact the applicants to finalize the subscription to the Summer School.
* The Selection Committee will deliberate the list of admitted candidates and contact the applicants to finalize the subscription to the Summer School.

In line with the key elements of the Innovation Union and the EU Higher Education Modernisation Agenda, the GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide the Energy Sector's stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field with an inclusive global logic. Its main expected results are the development of an innovative Joint Master Degree in the Green Energy and Finance targeting young students, but also a Professional Module to train companies' staff and experts already active in the labor market.

2019 © GrEnFIn Project